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News & Happenings
There is always comething going on
Recent Happenings
Proud to be part of some exciting innovations
in the tech industry.
Intek creates Norway's fully automated Battery Factory
Grand Opening of the first fully automated battery factory for Siemens
A very proud day for Intek. The factory was opened by the Prime Minister of Norway Erna Solberg
Bringing Automation to Bergen
Intek Wins Corvus Contract
Corvus Energy says that it has contracts lined up for a new production facility and equipment enabling “fully automated battery production.” The location is Bergen, Norway. “The supplier chosen for the production equipment is Intek Engineering of Raufoss, Norway; the factory will be fully operational in Q3 2019. The total investment is approximately US$9.3m financed through equity funding and loans from DNB and Innovation Norway.”
Crown Prince Lunch
Having fun with Colleagues at the Business Forum
Anita Hager Speaks at Oslo Business Forum
Real business solutions for the United Nations sustainable
development goals.
The Oslo Business Forum is presented the Future of Technology and Sustainability conference on Sept. 26, Norway’s largest technology and management conference. (InnoMag is the media partner of the OBF conference.) Among the speakers during the conference were U.S. President Barack Obama. Anita Hager was invited to participate in the panel discussion along with other industry leaders.
Bringing Automation to Bergen
Intek Wins Corvus Contract
Corvus Energy says that it has contracts lined up for a new production facility and equipment enabling “fully automated battery production.” The location is Bergen, Norway. “The supplier chosen for the production equipment is Intek Engineering of Raufoss, Norway; the factory will be fully operational in Q3 2019. The total investment is approximately US$9.3m financed through equity funding and loans from DNB and Innovation Norway.”
Hosting the Industri Prisen
Wonderful time hosting the 2019 Awards for the Norwegian Tech Industry
Here are some recent interviews in the press and podcastcs
Har du hørt om robotene fra Raufoss?
Podcast Interview with Silvia Seres
Hvordan blir roboter intelligente? Og hvordan har Raufoss klart å bygge et verdensledende techmiljø? I denne episoden av #LØRN snakker Silvija med CEO i Intek Engineering Anita Hager om hva som er greia med roboter i batteriproduksjon og hvordan robotene effektiviserer arbeidet vårt.
– I år åpnet verdens første helautomatiserte batterifabrikk for maritim sektor i Trondheim. Vi har levert den helautomatiserte linja med roboter og kan nå si at vi er verdensledende på helautomatiserte batterifabrikker for maritim sektor, forteller hun.
Anita Hager er robot-mamma og sangskriver
og Kjell Martin Sirnes får fin bursdaggave.
I fjor fikk Norge 100 nye industriroboter. Det antallet utgjør omtrent én fjerdedel av antallet i nabolandene. Hvorfor er det sånn?
I episode #45 møter du daglig leder og medeier i Intek Engineering AS, Anita Hager. Sammen med Silvija Seres snakker de om roboter, hjuloppheng og hvordan vi i Norge kan ta tilbake industri fra utlandet på grunn av robotisering.
Det er ikke slik at man arver en lederstilling, jeg hadde kvalifisert meg for den
Anita Hager var 28 år og gravid småbarnsmor da hun overtok lederansvaret i familiekonsernet. Omtrent samtidig gikk et av selskapene i firmaet konkurs.
Anita Hager © 2020